In the 21st century, China has experienced an extraordinary economic acceleration, with an increase of 10 times from the previous 20 years. Changes in bargaining value so fast that China has today contributed to the development of the ups and downs of the Indonesian economy. This indicates that the Indonesian economy without world help, especially China, will have fatal consequences. Indonesia's dependence on foreign products in particular already exists between 70% and 30% not because Indonesia does not have the ability to manage the economy properly, however, socio-economically Indonesia is a consumptive society no. 01 in the world. This makes it difficult for Indonesia to be free from dependence on supplies and the neighboring economy. It is not only that which makes it difficult for Indonesia to implement an economy on its own feet or self-sufficiency in the economy due to the import of goods that are not in accordance with the provisions, thus damaging the selling price of goods that should be domestically produced, and as a result of the defeat in the selling price resulting in an unwillingness in producing its own products as a result the absorption of the productive power of its own production becomes very weak.
Examples of biscuits, products that can be processed by the home industry are inseparable from the shadow and import surveillance, this clear but loose market is an example proving how the weakness of the Indonesian economy resulting from imports is far higher than the amount of exports. If this small example could be absorbed in such a way then what would happen to a very extraordinary economy, viewed from the aspect of labor absorption around which could reduce the cost of the state in repairing, if reduced and then multiplying it would be able to live and support people who could pay taxes this can lead to countries that have a contribution in the country can contribute to the country. That's from labor absorption. Different again with the absorption of raw materials for production, with this economic independence, the people can fulfill their needs without having to issue direct assistance, hope family assistance and similar assistance. But today what happens depends on imported Chinese special products which are very high, from the downstream sector, from the agriculture, livestock, plantation, industrial, fashion and so on sectors. It was very emotional to see Indonesia's economic conditions today.
Then why is China which then looks very dominating the products in Indonesia. The problem of paradox which then like a wild ball makes indoensia do not move when hit by the country's ginseng. The inability of this state is very apparent how the loss of such potentials has occurred. China is flooding the domestic market with a variety of products that have no absorption at all in terms of Indonesia both in terms of its workers, and raw materials except for only a few. Besides that problem, Indonesia, with its obsession which has a million transverse roads, divides the roads and then has a positive and negative domino effect, which is positive from Indonesia's debt, which is creating new potential in the way of road construction in Indonesia. whose sale value is far higher than the yield than farming activities.
This is what makes the Indonesian economy good and this activity sustains the economy around it. However, in addition to creating new rich people with land sales, it also raises problems in the old road area, which used to be a national road beside the right and left of the road, shops and food stalls. make it quiet even close. This is the effect of road users starting to change the direction of the road. Previously, only national roads could be traveled to cover distances between countries, but they have changed the way through laying roads, this is what makes economic development slow down, even though it can shorten time in logistics distribution, but on the other hand, it has used up previous business ventures. How can indoensia turn everything just like that with the existence of high economic and political awareness, it should be able to give rise to new economic potentials so as to create new economic potentials instead of ignoring Indonesia. This big ambition often contradicts the needs of the people themselves. If there are other reasons, maa because Indonesia cannot be separated from debt and consumption from China. This makes it hard for Indonesia to breathe if the stuffy Indonesian economy is in it.